I’ve been learning how a few different languages can do the same task, so decided to put up the examples below.
number = 5
counter = 1
while (counter <=10):
if counter < number:
print (counter, ' is less than ', number)
elif counter == number:
print (counter, ' equals ', number)
print (counter, ' is greater than ', number)
counter = counter + 1
Code language: Python (python)
$numValue = @(1..10)
$counter = 0
while ($counter -lt $numValue.length){
if ($numValue[$counter] -lt 5){
write-host "Less than`n"
elseif ($numValue[$counter] -eq 5) {
write-host "Equal`n"
else {
write-host "Greater than`n"
$counter += 1
Code language: PowerShell (powershell)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int counter = 1;
while (counter <= 10) {
if (counter > 5) { cout << "Greater than\n"; }
else if (counter == 5) { cout << "Equal\n"; }
else { cout << "Less than\n"; }
Code language: C++ (cpp)