Recursion in C#

Decided to try my hand at writing a recursive function today, and was able to do so, and have it work without a lot of work.

using System;

namespace Recursion
    class Program
        private static void recursiveLoop(int startNumber,int endNumber)
        if (startNumber <= endNumber)
        static void Main(string[] args)
Code language: C# (cs)

C# Methods (functions) in separate files

Decided to sit down tonight and work on getting used to working with methods in C#, and how to work with them in external files, to help organize the code. Need to be comfortable doing so for when I start doing more OOP style stuff with classes and such.


using System;

namespace TryingStuff2
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int numberOne = 5;
            int numberTwo = 7;

            Console.WriteLine(MathFunctions.AddNumbers(numberOne, numberTwo));
            Console.WriteLine(MathFunctions.SubNumbers(numberOne, numberTwo));
            Console.WriteLine(MathFunctions.MulNumbers(numberOne, numberTwo));
            Console.WriteLine(MathFunctions.DivNumbers(numberOne, numberTwo));
Code language: C# (cs)

namespace TryingStuff2
    public class MathFunctions
        public static int AddNumbers(int numberOne, int numberTwo)
            return (numberOne + numberTwo);

        public static int SubNumbers(int numberOne, int numberTwo)
            return (numberOne - numberTwo);
        public static int MulNumbers(int numberOne, int numberTwo)
            return (numberOne * numberTwo);

        public static int DivNumbers(int numberOne, int numberTwo)
            return (numberOne / numberTwo);
Code language: C# (cs)